After a bit of faffing, prevarication and changing my mind while no-one was looking I coloured in the image, to let Lauren and Steve see something a bit closer to what I hoped the oil painting might look like. If you squint and blur your eyes a bit :D
Oh there is now a wolf ( Fenrir ) and the serpent ( Jörmangandr ) and the flame giant ( Surtr ).
Oh there is now a wolf ( Fenrir ) and the serpent ( Jörmangandr ) and the flame giant ( Surtr ).
It was agreed that this looked okay. But I felt I had to show them the image with a bit more detail. I was not happy with the flame giant, or the wolf or the serpent either so I gave them another go. Also they asked for a couple of the zombies to look like three of their friends - sorry Karl, Liz and Neil.
That is close enough for me to get on with the painting. Not panicking at all. No me. No way. Well maybe a little a bit.